We're Going Down Captain.. Over. | Sinking Iron

1 year ago

Let's play Sinking Iron, an itch.io game made by lixian.
A strong submarine earthquake caught the attention of an amateur diver and his apprentice.
They were close by when the incident happened and decided to investigate before officials arrived.
You are the apprentice. Good luck."

I did edit this one a bit heavily..
There is a lot of hammer smashing + welding tool welding with a bit of light flashing and I didn't want to make this too long with the same thing over and over again. The recording was a bit over an hour and I didn't want to force you to endure it all too ;)
It also got me a bit heated, this game got me all sorts of frustrated, I'm sorry. BUT I DID IT, I DID THE HARDMODE and that is all that matters. For the kitty!

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Sinking Iron ⇝ https://lixiangames.itch.io/sinking-iron

Discord ⇝ https://discord.gg/rGqdYXYbSq
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