65 Million Year Old Fossil #dinosaur #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #fossil #viral #treasure #old #wow

1 year ago

65 Million-Year-Old Fossil

Pelecypod Bivalve Clams - These fossils are Aproxametly 65 Million Years Old

Both of these were found in Madagascar

What type of fossil is a Pelecypod?

The Pelecypods are a type of mollusk that has two shells, hence the common name of bivalves.

How old is the Pelecypod fossil?

Inoceramus, a genus of extinct pelecypods (clams) found as fossils in Jurassic to Cretaceous rocks (laid down between 199.6 million and 65.5 million years ago).

What is the fossil of bivalves?

Fossil bivalves were formed when the sediments in which they were buried hardened into rock. Many closely resemble living forms, which helps us to understand how they must have lived.

What is the oldest clam fossil?

A 507-year-old clam, found in the Icelandic seabed and named Ming, broke the Guinness World Record for the oldest animal when it was discovered in 2007.

How can you tell how old a clam fossil is?

Clams grow in seasons when the water is warm (April-October). You can count the growth rings like you would age a tree. Count the darkest rings, each ring represents 1 year. The small one was around 22 years old when it died, the larger one I can't accurately tell because it hasn't been preserved as well as the small one.

What geologic era was 65 million years ago?

The Cretaceous Period (146-65 million years ago)

Cretaceous-tertiary Extinction: 65 million Years Ago Scientists refer to the major extinction that wiped out non-avian dinosaurs as the K-T extinction because it happened at the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Tertiary period.

What began about 65 million years ago?

The Cenozoic Era began around 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs from the Mesozoic Era all became extinct and have not yet ended. Because 65 million years is a large amount of time, the Cenozoic Era is broken into smaller subsections known as periods.

Around 65 million years ago, something unusual happened on our planet.

We can see it in the fossil record.

Fossils that are abundant in earlier rock layers are simply not present in later rock layers.

A wide range of animals and plants suddenly died out, from tiny marine organisms to large dinosaurs.

Species go extinct all the time. Scientists estimate that at least 99.9 percent of all species of plants and animals that ever lived are now extinct. So the demise of dinosaurs like T. rex and Triceratops some 65 million years ago wouldn't be especially noteworthy—except for the fact that around 50 percent of all plants and animals alive at the same time also died out in what scientists call a mass extinction.

How cool is it that these clams might've been next to a T-Rex or some other dinosaurs at one point in time?

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