1:24 / 38:30 Better Leadership Communication: Business Leadership with Blunt Force Business

1 year ago

In the Blunt Force Business world, we're not mincing words, and we're sure as hell not dancing around the issues. Leadership communication, let's hit it hard:

Leadership is Listening - Not your regular nod-and-smile routine. No, we're talking about real listening. Get your ear to the ground, hear the undercurrents.

Interrogate Your People - And by that, we mean ask, ask, and ask until clarity shines through the fog of confusion. Leave no room for 'I thought you meant...'

Beat the Horse Dead - Repetition isn’t a broken record. It's the rhythm your team moves to. Repeat till they dream in your words.

Communication isn't a one-and-done. It's the lifeblood of leadership. It's about clarity, it's about understanding, it's about repeating until it sticks. So tune in, ask the hard questions, and for the love of growth, repeat!

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