No Spin News - June 27, 2023

11 months ago

Talking Points Memo: More corruption and missteps at the FBI – Bill calls for a complete overhaul of the bureau.
Another day, another empty schedule for President Biden – every American should demand more from the leader of the free world.
Karine Jean-Pierre refuses to answer questions on Hunter Biden and the press corp is demanding answers.
More witnesses against Garland are coming says IRS whistleblower.
Democratic Political Strategist Doug Schoen and Bill O’Reilly debate how the Hunter situation will or will not bring down Biden.
RFK Jr. spouts Putin propaganda. Bill will be on NewsNation ahead of the town hall with Mr. Kennedy.
O’Reilly is done with the coddling of drug addicts – read his latest column HERE.
Smart Life: how to manage debt
Final Thought: Cindy Adams reviews Bill’s latest book ‘Killing the Witches’

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