AvatarRoku VS AquaMan🏎️Crashofcars ELEMENTS COLLIDE‼️🌊🔥🌊🔥‼️👀💯🤯😮THE 100 crown challenge

1 year ago

Two of the 4 primordial forces that hold this earth together are manifested in beings far greater than any regular human…AquaMan with control over sea life and water itself versus AvatarRoku who has access to all 4 elements but born of the fire nation, riding his loyal dragon, fire is avatar Roku just as much as avatar Roku is fire.

When the avatar vanished the aquaman saw great opportunity to ebb and flow slowly conquering more and more of the surface of the globe in watery domain till now 71% is covered by water.

AvatarRoku prefers to dwell in the spirit realm but some matters transcend both pyshical and spirit world, Roku will not stand for this show of force he will restore balance to the world even if he has to fry a few fish to do it!

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