Coeurl Lurker Splinterlands | Games World 🌎

1 year ago

#splinterlands #gamesworld #coeurllurker
When the Riftwatchers spotted the coeurl lurker on Lemell, they figured it could be another weapon in their arsenal against the Chaos Legion. However, no matter what traps they laid for it, the beast was impossible to snare. When they finally cornered it, the coeurl attacked and decimated an entire squad of hunters. The sole survivor described it as a sleek, cat-like creature with terrible fangs and claws. It had four tentacles tipped with thorns, two each on its shoulders and hindquarters, and the tail of a scorpion. It used its tentacles and tail to impale its prey, then tossed them aside, slammed them against a tree or the ground, or yanked them in close for the killing blow.

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