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The Agenda Continues Joe Atwill

1 year ago

Is it Trump's war? Is it Trump's Space Force? Or, has this agenda been in play for over 100 years? What secret organizations are orchestrating these events? What is the agenda's true purpose? Are we on the brink of World War III?
When Joe and I spoke a year ago, the news was the first launch of Starlink by Space X, a collection of satellites set to bring wifi across the globe, the birth of the first genetically-modified children, Lulu and Nanna and the ramping up of the Space Force. This week's news is the launch of more Starlink satellites by the US Space Force, the creation of a monkey-pig hybrid to create human body parts in an animal and war with Iran. The agenda continues.
Why do they seek human longevity while also seeking humanity's destruction?

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  • Been listening to you since the beginning Freeman! I know that knowing is a burden, but you inspire so many people more than you know