Food For Thought: Equal, But Different (Women Aren't As Important As They Think They Are)

10 months ago

H. Pearl Davis comments on women who have an inflated sense of self-importance.

Original Twitter Video:

Comment from David Sunfellow (the guy that runs this channel):

Obviously, society WOULD NOT "function fine" without women. In fact, there would be no society without women birthing children and being the social glue that binds society together.

My personal perspective is that both sexes are vitally important to the continuation and wellbeing of the human race. They do, however, bring different abilities and perspectives to the table and they need to be in healthy balance in order to function properly. In recent decades, the fundamental contributions of both sexes have been demeaned, distorted, confused, bastardized, which is one of the reasons why modern society is unraveling at the seams. For more perspective on this important topic, check out these two resource pages:

Who Is Jordan Peterson?

Camille Paglia


What does Camille Paglia mean when she says “feminism is the collapse of western civilization”?

Paglia believes that “second wave feminism” has become neurotic and pathological. Whereas first wave feminism was about liberation and empowering women to break boundaries and become all they could be, second wave feminism has become about blaming men (and masculinity) for all the problems of the world. Instead of appreciating and celebrating the accomplishments of maleness, which includes building western civilization, second wave feminism attacks men as violent, thuggish, brutish, power-hungry, sexually-exploitive beasts. In other words, second wave feminists fail to recognize the fundamental goodness of male energy and, instead, emphasize and attack its weaknesses and excesses. At the same time, women who promote second wave feminism tend to champion the power and beauty of the feminine while overlooking and denying the dark and destructive side of female energy.

As a feminist, one of Paglia’s central concerns is that women need to be taught to stand up for themselves. A culture that teaches women they are especially weak and vulnerable and, therefore, need laws and protections that have been created especially for them, is harmful to women, men, and the culture at large.

Paglia (and Jordan Peterson) believe these unhealthy dynamics are directly related to the idea that the western world no longer studies the great traditions and histories of the world. Instead, we study things in pieces without understanding where these pieces came from or how they fit together. When one studies human history as a whole, we discover that men and women are biologically, psychologically, and sexually different. They have been from the beginning of time and are now, in spite of efforts to make everyone the same and equal. Human beings, especially men and women, are not the same and equal. They are different, with differing strengths, aptitudes, inclinations, and weaknesses. Throughout history, for example, men have primarily been the inventors, architects, and builders, the trailblazers, pioneers and engineers, while woman have been the mothers and nurturers, the healers, caregivers, and home makers. One startling point that Paglia makes is that, generally speaking, there are no female geniuses in human history. The Michael Angelos and Leonardo Divincis, the Beethovens and Mozarts, the Socrates and Platos, the Freuds and Jungs, the Einsteins, Edisons, and Teslas of the world, all tend to be males. Ditto for the world’s greatest psychopaths, dictators, serial killers and rapists. They all tend to be men. (While inventing and building is clearly a male-dominated arena, there are always exceptions: see the links below for a list of female inventors and builders throughout history.)

Studies focusing on both human and primate babies also support the perspective that gender differences are hardwired into male and female babies (see below for links that discuss these studies).

To bolster the argument that the great traditions and histories of the world are no longer taught in an honest and comprehensive way, Paglia points out that the central role that sexuality has played throughout human history has been stripped out of modern education. Whereas human history, all over the world, is full of sexual images, temples, books, statues, etc., modern education has sanitized and neutered this part of human history.

Bottomline: if you attack, villainize, and marginalize maleness; if you refuse to see the goodness of maleness and only focus on its dark side, you will topple the foundation of western civilization which, again, was built by men (with the active and essential support of women). In a similar vein, if you champion the goodness of feminine energy, and without acknowledging, containing, and purifying the dark and destructive side of the feminine, then you set forces loose in the world that will also tear the fabric of life to pieces.

One of the main things that Paglia and Peterson may not emphasize enough is that the rise of the radical feminine may be a direct response to unhealthy masculinity. Male energy, as embodied by people like Hitler and companies like Monsanto, has been out of control in recent decades/centuries. Instead of being more healthy and balanced, male innovating and building has spun out of control. The masculine creates without consideration for how their creating, innovating, and building affects the natural world, which is the domain of the feminine. You can’t have healthy building without incorporating the nurturing perspectives of the feminine, which is fundamentally more in touch with relationships and the connectedness of all life.

See also:

Dr. Peter McCullough: The Connection Between Autism, Transgenderism & Lobotomies

Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism Which, In Turn, May Cause Transgenderism!

Jordan Peterson Interviews Helen Joyce (The Video YouTube Banned & Peterson Republished On Twitter)

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