The EU can’t help Ukraine for long. 😲

1 year ago

The EU can’t help Ukraine for long. 😲

A recent analysis of the European Union economy shows that Europe will not be able to afford a Ukraine reconstruction project and will struggle to continue to support military efforts. 😱

The burden then falls on the United States taxpayer. Many economists believe this was known all along and the pledged EU support was merely a tactic to show solidarity and increase support from the American people. 🤬 👈

Washington is broken.

Here at Convention of States we have a solution as big as the problem.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to PROPOSE constitutional amendments.

These are our three simple talking points.

1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the president)
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard- earned money, via a Balanced Budget Amendment.

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