Celebrating Sin

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Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on June 27, 2023.
Visit: www.trumpetdaily.com

[00:30] Pride Month Filth (40 minutes)
At the annual New York City Pride March on Sunday, the marchers chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.” As the world glorifies immoral, anti-family lifestyles, the August Trumpet issue focused on America’s culture war is especially timely.

[40:30] CNN ‘Bombshell’: Trump Caught on Tape Talking About Documents (15 minutes)
CNN aired a recording of Donald Trump talking about classified documents, insisting prosecutors will be able to use the recording to finally “get Trump.” Conservative Treehouse writer Mark Bradman, known as “Sundance,” explained in a recent article that the audio recording is actually useless and inadmissible in court.

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