Would A, Could A, Should A …?”

11 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] - This poem raises various question about the integrity that may be required or desired within ‘being Sovereign’. Well, that’s one way of describing it!!

“Would A, Could A, Should A …?” follows on in a recent theme on the issue of ‘sovereignty’ with its forerunners being “St. Raw Man – STRAWMAN VOID”, “Sovereign or Slave (Part 1 of 2)”, “Who Would be Willing (Part 2 of 2)” … each looking at various aspects regarding Sovereignty … to spark our awareness and interest.

This creation was written on 13th June 2023 and falls into my 'Transitional Times' poem category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time'.

Poem wording -

Would A, Could A, Should A …
Would a sovereign being …
be they partner or husband or wife …
welcome you back, if you’d
threatened their life??

Would a sovereign being
welcome you back, again be they
partner or husband or wife …
if you had with another sated
your physical sexual appetite?

Could a sovereign being
expect you, as sovereign too,
to be somewhat circumspect and
show some kindly consideration
and a little respect?

Could a sovereign being
just go along with the flow,
on seeing an injustice
and pretend they weren’t
aware or just didn’t know?

Should a sovereign being
lie, cheat or steal or
allow others to, having seen
them in such a deal?

Should a sovereign being
condone any talk of hate,
or participate in such or
let others’ continue to be irate
or to another berate?

Would a sovereign being see
another struggling and pass them by …
or would they offer help and look
at pain eye to eye?

Could a sovereign being share
what they’ve got, to help another
along with their lot?

Should a sovereign being want
to take, for any reason, what
another has got?

Should a sovereign being be willing
to work, learn and thrive and open
to love each day that they’re alive?

Wow, what a list …. ten hard questions.
I hope you’re not ‘miffed’.
But remember it’s not a test.
Just a bit of a guide for each to reflect
and see if they are doing their best.

Yes … for that I am pushing …!
Perhaps I am on some guided quest!?
No need to wonder at whose behest!
Just do your very best ….
He assures me, He’ll do the rest!!

Be Sovereign.

13th June 2023
Transitional Times Poem Collection

For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology” https://www.youtube.com/@Louiseiology

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” https://rumble.com/c/LouiseiologyPoems

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Many thanks,


Soundtrack track via Pixabay – from Magnetic_Trailer ‘EPIC ACTION 113888’ Copyright Free

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