Marching Song of The Silver Legion of America - The Battle Hymn of The Republic (Instrumental)

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

After some research, I just found one reference to the Legion's song, and it was the tune of The Battle Hymn of The Republic. Thanks to the guy who commented it! Also, I'm sorry because this version isn't the original, but it's the best instrumental one I've found

The Silver Legion of America was a fascist organization in the USA under William Dudley Pelley. The Legion used a silver uniform, like the ones of the SA, and had its headquarters at the Murphy Ranch, Rustic Canyon, Los Angeles.
Pelley wanted to declare a Fascist Revolution, and put himself as the new dictator of America, and even ran for president (with a strong support of the KKK) in both 1936 and 1940, but lost, having the Legion disbanded and the Ranch destroyed following the events which led the USA to war.
The scarlet L stands for Loyalty to the United States, Liberation from materialism, and the Silver Legion itself.

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