Orban is similar to Putin here is why?

1 year ago

Orban is similar to Putin. He says an old map is just a simbol with no value, when in fact its not an old symbol its an old map. If every country would show a map with its highest expansion it would take 3 Earths to satisfy everyone.
Putin is the same, expansionist, he thinks all of Ukraine is actually part of Russia why? Well, because it was in the past.
At the end we see a nationalist news in Hungary saying basically that those land was stolen from Hungary when medieval Hungarians were not even Europeans but came from Asia and established the Hungarian kingdom and they conquered neighboring lands.
This is why Orban likes Putin because some people are not happy that they arent what they used to be.
If Big Hungary were to be as the map shows than lots of countries around would be taken away lands: Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Czechia. In fact the map shows the Entire Slovakia as Hungary, Slovakia wouldnt exist as a state at all in this vision.
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