Cat gets high on nip 😹🐆

10 months ago

Bedford the Bengal enjoys his new catnip plant, Nepeta Cataria.

Beddy loves catnip, and we've had a Giant Catnip plant (Nepeta Gigantea) in the garden since we got him.

I decided to grow some regular catnip from seed to gift to friends and to see if it was different. It seems to be more potent if Beddy's reaction is anything to go by!

I've been growing this for a few weeks and Bedford only just realised it was there 😹🐆

It's very easy to grow. i just sprinkled the seeds in multipurpose compost and kept it watered. It happily grows indoors and outside so have a go and delight your kitty!

It has lovely flowers too and looks great in a border or a pot.

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