GTMO Daily ~ Last Week Pre-Trial Report, June 19-23, 2023 Held in GTMO & a Big Win this Week!

1 year ago

Following is an updated report on this month’s Military proceedings in GTMO June 19 to 23rd.

C-VINE doesn’t have any volunteers at present in the Ft. Meade viewing room taking notes on the LIVE CCTV transmissions from GTMO… so we are providing an eye-witness report via tweets from Carol Rosenberg of the New York Times. Carol is physically in GTMO reporting on the USS Cole Bombing proceedings that happened on October 12, 2000. (23 years ago) and remain in Pre-Trial Status. The accused is Saudi citizen Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. You may read about the USS Cole Bombing description account HERE.
The attached video is of Linda Forsythe reading and displaying the Carol Rosenberg Tweet of the proceedings this last week.

Note: At present, the only approved reporters in GTMO are from Main Stream Media. BUT… the public has access to watch these same exact LIVE proceedings (with a 40 second delay) that Carol can see, in a special viewing room on Ft. Meade. You may view court transcripts, list of detainees, judges, rulings, calendars, where the viewing rooms are, and everything “GTMO” in the following Office of Military Commissions Link:

At the end, I discuss how we had a big win this week!
~~~ Linda Forsythe

Link to "GiveSendGo" to donate for Ft. MeadeTravel Expenses in August: https://GiveSendGo/CVINECITIZENJOURNALISTFUND

Address to send donation check for GTMO travel expenses made out to C-VINE International Charitable Trust ~ 31805 TEMECULA PKWY.#244 Temecula, CA. 92592

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