Fast Panda - an Easy-Peasy Paper Mache Project

2 years ago

I started this easy Panda portrait at around 10 am yesterday morning, and it was done by 7 pm last night. Most of the time was spent waiting for the little panda to dry. It dried faster than usual for two reasons: There's only one layer of paper strips and paste on the paper mache panda - and it's winter so the furnace was turned on. After just a few hours in front of the furnace vent, it was dry.

You can see screen shots and instructions at

Scientific American article with the panda photo I used for the model:

How to make paper mache smooth without sanding:

How to apply paper strips and paste:

Recipes for paper mache paste (use the one you like best):

Intro 0:00
Getting started 0:45
Draw your panda 1:06
Sculpt the face with foil 2:17
Add eyes 5:16
Cover with masking tape 6:36
Add paper mache 7:30
Add fur 10:31
Priming and painting 13:06
Conclusion 18:03

You can find a pattern for the horse, wolf, and other animal sculptures and masks behind me in the video here:

If you make one of these pandas, be sure to visit my website and show it off. We would all love to see how it turns out. You can do that on the Daily Sculptors page, here:

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