Painting Brown Bear Eyes - For the Grizzly Bear Mask

1 year ago

🐻I'm going to put my bear mask on the wall, so I added eyes made with small foam balls. I did run into a little problem - OK, a really big problem - but it was easy to fix. And I learned something about my materials that I didn't know before. It's a mistake I won't have to make again.

You'll also notice that I sneaked in a rant about the air dry clay I bought. Thanks to everyone who left a suggestion on the last video, with ideas for what I should make when I played with the air dry clay. That's not going to happen, but I will be making almost everything on that list sometime this year. What a wonderful list of possible animals to create! The first one is coming soon. If you haven't seen the ideas that were suggested, you can see that video here:

🐰And the Folk Art Bunny project, using a commercial air dry clay product that didn't crack, is here:
You can see how I painted the grizzly bear here:
And how I sculpted his fur here:

Video Chapters:

0:00 Intro
0:40 Warning about boo boo I made when painting the eyes
1:02 Discussion about my intended air dry clay project
3:14 Painting the foam balls white
4:08 Putting Magic Sculpt behind the bear mask's nostrils
4:51 Taping the foam eyes to the back of the mask
5:23 The first layer of acrylic paint - burn sienna and raw sienna
5:53 Second layer of paint - burnt umber added to darken the color
6:14 Painting the black pupils and around the edges of the eyes
6:32 Painting the white reflection
6:54 Painting a light edge on the fur under the eyes
7:27 Nail Polish catastrophe
8:10 New eye replaces destroyed eye
8:21 How to avoid the issue in the future
10:18 Another short rant about the air dry clay I bought
11:18 Conclusions

If you'd like to see the patterns for the sculptures and masks behind me in the video, you can find them here:

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