Painting The Jackrabbit Sculpture (With Acrylic Paint and Colored Pencils)

11 months ago

I don't know if we're 'supposed' to use colored pencils over acrylic paint, but it is a fast way to get some 'faux fur marks' on your 'faux trophy mount' jackrabbit. And it certainly looks different than using little brushes and paint, like we usually do. 😊

You can download the pattern, for a small charge, on this page:

The acrylic paint colors I used for this jackrabbit were yellow ochre, burnt umber, ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson, white and black. I just used random pencils from the pencil box for the fur and inside the ears. A lot of jackrabbits are much more grey than brown or yellow, so be sure to do a Google image search for photos you can use for models. Some of them even have colored patterns on their muzzle, which looks really nice.

The pencils I used are Faber-Castel Polychromous Colored Pencils. They're water-resistant, and the final coat of varnish didn't cause any damage. They happen to be on sale right now as I'm typing this, but they are usually pretty expensive. You can find them on here (affiliate link):

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