Another Fast Giant Portrait for DIY Art Therapy

2 years ago

Jessie's online color workshop:

I didn't really need any DIY art therapy today, but it sure was fun playing around with the clay.

This sculpt took about an hour, just moving the clay around from my last Giant's face. If you didn't see the previous video, you can find it here:

I actually have a whole drawer full of sculpting tools. You sure couldn't tell from this video, could you? 😊

If you're looking for a faster, sillier way to sculpt faces, be sure to check out my book Fast Faces: Unleash Your Creativity With a Friendly Lump of Clay, available on here:

If you'd like to use my face sculpting form, you can find it here:

The Giants book I used today for inspiration: (affiliate link)

WED clay: (affiliate link)

Clay from your local pottery supply store is fun to work with, too - and it's a lot less expensive.

DistortionsUnlimited has a great video explaining the benefits of sculpting with wet WED clay here:

Check out my sculpting patterns (for the paper mache masks and sculptures behind me in the video) here:

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