Parent's Rights. Children's Safety. Canada's Madness

1 year ago

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A brief Dr Trozzi video, and free invitation to this evening's roundtable with Bioethicist Dr Julie Ponesse, VCC president Ted Kuntz, Dr Mark Trozzi, and two lawyers representing a mother struuggling to protect her daughters.

This evening, June 27th 2023 at 7 PM ET, 4PM PT, you are invited to join a live round table discussion regarding parental rights to medical choices. This event hosted by Vaccine Choice Canada and Take Action Canada will include Biomedical Ethicist Dr Julie Ponesse, VCC's president Ted Kuntz, two lawyers Albertos Polizogopolu and Lia Milousis who represent the mother in this case, and myself Dr Mark Trozzi. You can join us online at 7 PM ET, 4 PM PT here:

More information:

Attorney Garifalia Milousis explained the legal aspects of this controversial family law case that should be of concern to all Canadians:

Related Material:

Children Should Be Freed Now and Never Covid-Injected. October 7, 2021 by Dr Paul Alexander PhD and Dr Mark Trozzi MD

Global Child Alert from the World Council For Health. Dr Mark Trozzi April 29, 2023. Warning: WHO's post-plandemic "Big Catch Up" vaccine program. Immunization Agenda 2030. Plus a brief look at 100 years of evidence against vaccines.

Stop Killing Our Children! December 8, 2021

More about children in the age of covid and forced genetic experiments

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