Expat Phyles: Weekly Wrap Up, June 23, 2023

1 year ago

Here at Expat Phyles, our goal is to help connect the dots. We call ‘em how we see ‘em. Then we try to make sense of the pattern of events happening around us.

The broad theme of the 21st century so far is that the internet has broken society in a fundamental way. Where the ratio of signal to noise is greatly in favor of noise - and where truly valuable information and critical thinking seem headed for extinction.

And yet, history tells us the ability to think critically will not disappear. It will become ever more valuable.

As more and more people succumb to YouTube cat videos… scroll Facebook hoping for validation of their existence… and (increasingly) employ AI to jazz up the whole affair with yet more confusing noise…

Those who can keep calm and connect the dots may yet prevail. Right now, is the calm after the horrendous violation that was lockdowns. But it is also the calm before the next great calamity. We suspect it will be war.

The deciders have lost control of the narrative and their grip on power is in doubt for the first time in living memory. That bodes ill for you and me - and all who truly enjoy the benefits of peace and freedom.

This week, I lay out further evidence of the decline of the US dollar… why this matters - to all of us dollar holders… and what is likely coming next.

Anthony Blinken went to China and got schooled. He promptly went on TV and did a great kowtow to China’s position on Taiwan.

This is a major about-face.

Expect many such zigs and zags in the months and years ahead. The folks in power are flying blind and completely making things up as they go. That’s dangerous. But it presents us with great opportunities.

The same kinds of opportunities we are tracking for you. Contact Expat Phyles to speak directly with Tain about your own personalized escape plan - and how you can put your family and your wealth out of the reach of your home government.

Remember, there are many places in the world directly benefiting from the decline of the formerly free nations of the world. Get started today.


Asian Central Banks ditch the dollar using a new SWIFT system designed by Iran:

Blinken blinks after his flogging in China:

Nomi Prins on why the dollar is no longer trusted:

The fearless Ed Dowd talks about the bursting of the bond market and what comes next:

Ed Dowd timeline of the nonsense from 2020-the present. Let those who defend the authorities ague with this:

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(571) 236-9207

***Call or email to get personalized help in crafting your own Plan B to protect your family and your assets from your #1 threat… your home government. And don’t wait.

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