Osiris: New Dawn Gameplay Part 30 - Ranger - Found Azurnium and built the Navigation Module

1 year ago

0:00 Phoenix Base
Looking for Azurnium to finish building the Navigation Module. I suspected that it was in space but if I couldn't find it, I would Google it.

2:07 Space
2:38 Saw crystal stuff
Almost right away saw blue glowing crystals in the distance and it turned out to be Azurnium.

8:45 Space Station
9:25 Building the Navigation Module
The next quest is the Power Module. The only item I was concerned about getting is the Battery. It's hard to get sometimes.

13:00 Phoenix Base
Back at base to figure out what I can make right away. It's great that I had built the deep mining drill ahead of time. I had most of the stuff. I fell short on Chromium and Magnesium.

17:10 Walking to the Buggie
23:35 Buggie
Went straight to the Chromium deposits that were located on the radar.

24:23 Mining Chromium
29:10 Found and mined Magnesium
Didn't show up on radar but it popped while I was driving by so this shortened my journey.

31:14 Phoenix Base
Finish forging all the materials I needed except Battery which I can't make or have not learned how to make.

Rested and will go find Batteries to build the Power Module in the next video.

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