Philanthropy: A Catalyst for Protecting Our Planet | Davos 2023 | World Economic Forum

1 year ago

Only 2%, (between $US 7.5-12.5 billion) of global philanthropy goes towards climate action but there is fast-growing philanthropic interest to use their tools to help corporates and governments. How can public and private sector players better harness the power of catalytic philanthropy to close the $100 trillion gap for equitable climate and nature solutions by 2050?

This session launches GAEA's Call to Action, the World Economic Forum’s new global effort to raise additional, smarter and catalytic giving to unlock and de-risk private finance and government-procured funds for climate and nature at speed, scale and impact.

Speakers: Børge Brende, John F. Kerry, Gim Huay Neo, Rania Al-Mashat, Mark Carney, Desmond Kuek, Badr Jafar, Nili Gilbert

00:00 - Introduction from Børge Brende
05:17 - John F. Kerry
17:27 - Panel Discussion
37:08 - Questions from the audience

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