🇪🇺 "Hong Kong Human Rights Debate: Jimmy Lai's Case & EU Support" 🇪🇺

11 months ago

Parliament Urgent Debates - Human Rights, Democracy, and Rule of Law | Featuring Jimmy Lai's Case

In this YouTube video, the Parliament holds urgent debates on several significant topics, including human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The discussion focuses on the deterioration of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong, with a specific emphasis on the case of Jimmy Lai. Lai, a prominent pro-democracy activist, faces a life sentence based on charges brought by the Chinese authorities under the so-called national security law.

The video includes a closing statement by Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, reaffirming the European Union's support for Jimmy Lai and Hong Kong. The speakers express concerns about the erosion of freedoms and the rule of law in Hong Kong, as well as the growing evidence of sanction evasion through the city. They emphasize the need for a principled and clear response from the EU, calling for the strengthening of trial observation and the imposition of targeted sanctions against responsible officials. The video also calls for a review of Hong Kong's international status due to the clear breach of international law regarding its autonomy.

The Parliament members stress the importance of standing with Jimmy Lai and all victims of arbitrary arrests, demanding their immediate and unconditional release. They highlight the crucial role of the European Parliament in defending publisher and press freedom symbol Jimmy Lai and making his case a criterion for the evolution of EU-China relations. The video concludes with a statement from Kadri Simson, assuring that the EU will continue to stand by the people of Hong Kong and actively monitor the situation.

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/deterioration-of-fundamental-freedoms-in-hong-kong-notably-the-case-of-jimmy-lai-closing-statement-by-kadri-simson-european-commissioner-for-energy_I242369

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