Enviromental Wildfire by the Sea - West Vancouver June 26, 2023

1 year ago

Exciting day at Whytecliff Park today. It was reminiscent of the days of Pearl Harbour with the scary sound of Japanese Zeros and American Spitfires zooming around the skies of West Vancouver today.

Eagle Ridge bluff is located in West Vancouver close to Horseshoe Bay and the area is well known as one of most environmentally sensitive places in Canada. Somehow its proximity miraculously burst into flames at 1pm today (June 26, 2023,) due to human error.

Wind speed was a steady fifteen kph gusting to thirty for most of the day making the fire tricky to tackle.

Fire crews acted swiftly to bring this dangerous and scary fire back in control within a few short hours.

The global elite are loving it as I'm sure they will use this wildfire as a precipice to usher in even more environmental fear mongering and global-warming scare-tactics this summer and in summers to come.

(Are you almost ready to give up your car or will you be too be scared to stand up and see through this environmental bullshit?

Don’t be surprised to see Vancouver covered in smoke in the upcoming weeks is my prediction as they need to keep this narrative going at all costs.

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