LR Podcast: Is an Impeachment in the Works?

11 months ago

As attractive as impeaching President Biden might be, and as well-deserved as it might be, a better option strategically might be to start with his power base. Going after Biden's underlings not only deals with problems head-on but may also be more achievable. Secretary Mayorkas is one such person, and increasingly, Merrick Garland is another. We should support Speaker McCarthy in any effort to #impeachgarland .

An article in OAN news says that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will begin impeachment hearings against Merrick Garland if in fact, accusations that he hindered efforts to level additional, and more serious charges at Hunter Biden.

Source: McCarthy: Impeachment inquiry of Merrick Garland imminent if whistleblower claims are true – One America News Network (

Till next time,

Stay healthy, happy and free!

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