Mortgage Interest Rates Rises-How to Combat Them.

1 year ago

My new video on how people might combat mortgage interest rate rises: the basis is, as Anna von Reitz says, that contracts are null and void, for reasons stated in these documents:;
This article of Anna's is a little deeper, but still a must read:
And it all applies here just as much as it does in America, especially given that Australia is registered on the USC and many of our banks are American owned, as in JP Morgan.
What I did not mention in me ad hoc video here is that the Australian Government Corporation looks like it is in BREACH OF CONTRACT, simply because our Constitution is a legally and lawfully binding CONTRACT (and this one IS enforceable!) as confirmed to me by former Victorian upper House Member, Simon Ramsay, when I asked him the question in July 2019. He said: "Correct..." in regard to that question-and may regret having done so.
So why Breach of Contract? Because of this:
The Heads of Power in our Commonwealth Constitution are granted subject to the government of the day acting to provide for "...peace, order and good government."
These outrageous rates rises, which jeopardise people's property ownership, do not reflect that mandate (a mandate s a contract) for that proviso of ensuring "...peace, order and good government.
Furthermore, government must ensure the protection of our property, and our freedoms.
To enslave us to the Banks (remember the criminal money laundering they confessed to) is to deny us that freedom, whilst ensuring mortgage interest rates rises skyrocket is jeopardising our property ownership-in the thousands.
All in all, this amounts to massive BREACH OF CONTRACT.
Bank money-laundering confessions:
This is all so well known that there is no need to post any more links on the matter.
People are welcome to make comments and I will answer them to the best of my ability.
This video was made in haste, so another explanatory video might be necessary.
But in all, I have had a lot of positive feedback about the ideas expressed here, one from one of the ladies I spoke to this morning.
I think the idea has merit, and will be sending the link to Anna von Reitz for her hoped-for comments.
She may give me a few more clues too, with a bit of luck.
In any event, warmest greetings to you all-this is all done for the benefit of the people, whether I know you or not.
Peace be with you all.

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