With the Hard Truth Needing to Be Uttered, Do You Want Milk or Meat?

1 year ago

With the Hard Truth Needing to Be Uttered, Do You Want Milk or Meat?

Welcome to The REALLY Real Deal and our Sunday Message for June 25, 2023.

Hebrews 5:12-14 says, “You’re like children still needing milk and not yet ready to digest solid food, For every spiritual infant who lives on milk is not yet pierced by the revelation of righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, whose spiritual senses perceive heavenly matters.”

God's Word speaks to every subject under the sun. Both good and evil. A preacher of milk cannot discern both good and evil. (Hebrews 5:14).

We see so much evil in our national leadership today. How they actively teach hatred to our children, pride month madness everywhere, our national border erased (see Nehemiah), lies and truth inverted, and an obvious two-tier system of so-called “justice."

All of this has ramped up to unprecedented heights with Pastors as silent on current issues as Adam, who stood quietly as the serpent beguiled him and his wife, Eve.

We use 2 Peter 3:16; Matthew 13:15; and John 16, which refers to sin, righteousness, and judgment.

I pray you hear what the Lord has for you this week.

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