Ep.57 - Brown's Gas Is Safe For Health Applications!

1 year ago

Get your Brown's Gas Generator - AquaCure AC50 - here:

Water is necessary for life, would you agree? All living organisms are mostly made out of water. Thus, inhaling, drinking, and coming in contact with properly structured, natural, and pure forms of water is an important first step for you if you desire to live a long and blissful life.

Imagine now a water that is very pure, and has added energy to it, while showing the potential to reverse disease, and even aging...?

That's called Electrically Expanded Water (ExW) and the science behind it is very interesting. Some people theorize that it can change the face of medicine in the 21st century.

In today's interview, George Wiseman comes back on for the third time and eases some concerns regarding the healthy and proper application of his groundbreaking and fascinating Brown's Gas generator called AquaCure AC50.

These concers are around lye and how to clean the machine, amongst other things. If you want to learn more about brown's gas, make sure to watch the first two episodes with George, they 're fascinating.

And remember that:
YOU are the master of your fate.
YOU are the captain of your soul.

~ Jason Wolf

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