Flourishing Together (part 2): Church of England on DIE

1 year ago

The state church of the United Kingdom is trying to reimagine education and society. In partnership with the ACSI (part 1), they embark on a universal pedagogy of Anti-Christ. Many millions of students, along with thousands of teachers, are to affirm a common good shepherd, social-emotional-spiritual leadership of effeminate love. Do you know the voice (Word) of the Good Shepherd? If not, bondage if not death follows subtle deception.

[image - "Better Late than Never" (female bishops)]

Prayerfully discern as you study and research the Truth, our Lord Jesus Christ -
https://youtu.be/q4306jYNk5Y - Leadership for Flourishing Purpose - Andy Wolfe (Church of England)
https://youtu.be/I3muBQlfgcI - Love Matters - Archbishop's Commission on Families & Households (Church of England)
https://youtu.be/xUEq3PabjVE - StED Talk - The Gospel of John for the 21st century - David F Ford
https://youtu.be/hB8PHC7HEjM - CofE Update & News (6/23/2023) - Rev Dan
https://youtu.be/1xpJH6GnYkQ - Church of England & Trans Confusion - Christian Concern
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysDuK9t6VRs - Apocalypse (1998, film 1 of 4)
https://youtu.be/Rl8yX_8LVnc - Wellbeing Before Learning; Flourishing Students, Successful Schools - Martin Seligman
https://youtu.be/8s3M1jTK8ZQ - What Role Should Human Flourishing Play Among Education's Aims? - Jonathan Beale
https://youtu.be/yzlv-nbEqPE - Communities of Practice as Learning Partnerships - Etienne and Bev Wenger-Trayner

good = what is right; common good = what is collectively elected as right
justice = exercise of what is right; social justice = exercise of what is right according to progressive principle
bible = authoritative reference; Holy Bible = authoritative reference of the Lord God (Who is holy)

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