Independent National Convention Seeks to Restore Missing Piece in Gov't by the People – the PEOPLE

1 year ago

Conversation with Independent National Conference Convener Christopher Life

“We have a deeply divided body politic. Half the people think our system is broken. The other half believe it is fixed.”
-- Swami Beyondananda

Join Independent National Conference convener Christopher Life in a lively discussion about how we the people can stopping fighting one another and unite to restore the missing element in government by the people – the people!

Here is the paradox of our times. The body politic seems more divided and polarized than ever – and yet the great majority of us would much prefer working together to actually solve problems, rather than blame the “other side” for them.

The good news is, there’s an exciting upcoming conference in Austin, Texas April 3rd to 5th seeks to spark an “independents” movement – voters from across the political spectrum declaring their independence from the “one party” system disguised as the two-party system, where the people are mobilized to fight one another, and so are essentially unable to unite to hold the system accountable.

The purpose of this face-to-face, in person conference is to bring together independent sectors and unaffiliated voters to “let go of that left/right divide as the dominating paradigm of our politics,” and “increase transparency in government to decrease corruption.” Rather than focus on and gather around our ideological differences, Christopher says we “need an independent sector so that we can actually create a fundamentally new center of gravity.”

The Austin Conference that happening April 3rd to 5th will be headlined by independent political leaders like Tulsi Gabbard and Dennis Kucinich, along with leaders of the progressive People’s Party and the Libertarian Party, as well as political innovator Katherine Gehl (co-author of "Why Politics is Failing America”), along with many other political innovators, activists and solutionaries.

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