2023_06_25_AM_Are You Ready for Jesus' Return?

1 year ago

.. and the final judgement? Are you sure? Pastor Mike preaches John ch 3 on the matter.

We all know John 3:16 by now, but this chapter is much more than "God so loved the World" and rainbow wigs. It is - like the Sermon on the Mount and the 'feel good / Kumbya' Beatitudes - a stern warning from a loving - but STRICT - Heavenly Father.

As Jesus relays the Father's message: the focus is on our eternal good rather than temporal ease. The Old Testament - especially Proverbs - warns that 'sparing the rod' can 'spoil the child', and loving fathers must discipline their children.

A bit of 'fear' can be helpful to get our attention. The Father can be harsh when needed to gain our respect and compliance - and He does not change. His purpose is to change YOU.

Are Jesus and his teachings really in your heart? Look in the mirror and shape up!

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