Gravity Mountain Energy Vloog

1 year ago

The Gravity Mountain
Energy vlog title is form the Elemental Oracle deck the firstcard gravity is form the date June 26, 2023 which adds to 39 Teh gravity card, it is the force that hold our feet the ground. It is serious when we try to leave the planet but we can stand up against it. The Mountain card keyword was clarity we can clear from the mountain top the valley below.
The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure site showed us an amplitude of a power of 10 at 10:00 AM UTC. The Wheel of Fortune Bringing Karmic change. rolling in. If you were up now you are down and vice versa. The quality power was 8.10, thus we have #9 the Hermit card Retreating form the matrix up the mountain of enlightenment to go within to find yo9ur own inner wisdom. The frequency average was 7.82 hertz, #17 The Star card, thus shope clarity of vision and vulnerability. Therefore, we have the hanged Man inverting himself to find different perspective o0f the Wheel of change as it brings its Karmic change to the hermit on the mountain who gazes at the Stars to find his inner wisdom with clarity and hope.
The Space Weather News site showed us a Class M CME on the departing livmb. well away for us. The x ray chart showed several Phi angel flips today. the Solar wind density went ove =ten to settle down to four protons. The solar wind speed was on the 510 Kilometers per second KPS Really space truckin. The temperatuer was in the 100,000 Kelvin range. The KP index of geomagnetic activity was in the green zone starting at an average of 2.33 , #8 Stregth card. and ended at a lvel of three the Empress.
The Elemental Oracle deck gave us two cards the date was the gravityu card power word is gratus latin word defined as seriousness. The Mountain card speaks of finding clarity, there is an advantage to looking at things from a higher perspective.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
DSpace Weather News site:

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