Goodbye to Reality. Why Narcissist Can't Hear YOU or Understand What You Are Saying to Him

1 year ago

Source: Why Narcissist Can't Hear YOU or Understand What You Are Saying to Him

Abuse in Relationships with Narcissists and Psychopaths
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Grandiosity is a cathected cognitive distortion intended to fend off life-threatening shame and hurt, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Inward Listening to internal objects (internal speech) overrides external stimuli (psychosis) whenever there is a cognitive dissonance (reciprocal inhibition via brain’s corollary discharge).

Gradually schizoid isolation, withdrawal, avoidance. The risk of being victimized is too large: solipsism breeds gullibility and vulnerability.

Selective auditory attention (selective hearing via bottlenecking): filtering, enhancing, selective perception, sensory contrast (background noise), prioritizing.

Selective retention

Selective perception

Frames of reference (framing)

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