Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies Audio Chat: June 23, 2023 Part 1:

1 year ago

Tammy gives Myrrh Testimony revealing she is removing Parasites just like we have been witnessing.

Luke brings up his chlorine dioxide fears which is common because how demonized the FDA, MSM and others has attacked this substance and people that brings in the beautiful testimonies everyday.

Luke also decided to test the waters without learning the protocols. Naturally not a wise thing to do.

Ted experienced some CDS detox symptoms after taking CDS for quite some time. @YouTubeTerminated briefly talks about the 3 golden rules but to stay consistent with the CDS even if you need to drop the dose.

@MelissaSparkles gives a brief testimony of her healing journey and what she has done to remove parasites and other toxins from the body.

@RockStarAida talks about her healing journey and how she is winning with CDS and Myrrh. She shares how she destroyed a rope worm using the myrrh protocol. She also explained how she had to add a Enema to help remove the kill off.

@RockStarAida describes how these parasites fight back and not fairly, the demons from hell.

@YouTubeTerminated describes what he witnessed on day 6 utilizing the Myrrh protocol that is in the pinned messages @ChlorineDioxideTestimonies

@RockStarAida talks about her new protocol that she is using externally for her skin. The product name is Zum, Myrrh and Frankincense oil.

@MelissaSparkles also talks about her success using a similar oil.

Beautiful Chlorine Dioxide testimony was shared using the CDS protocol to avoid the COVID-19 death protocols.

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