Our Journey in 1 Minute - From Big Bang Till Today #shorts #earth #bigbang

1 year ago

#shorts #earth #bigbang #bigbangtheoryrl
Big Bang is the prevailing scientific theory about the origin of the universe. According to this theory, the universe began as a singularity—an infinitely hot and dense point—approximately 13.8 billion years ago. From that point, the universe rapidly expanded and has been evolving ever since. Here's a brief overview of the major events and milestones from the Big Bang until now:

The Big Bang (13.8 billion years ago): The universe begins with a rapid expansion from a singularity, releasing vast amounts of energy and matter.

Cosmic Inflation (10^-36 seconds after the Big Bang): The universe undergoes a brief period of exponential expansion, smoothing out irregularities and setting the stage for the formation of galaxies and other structures.

Formation of Subatomic Particles (10^-6 seconds after the Big Bang): As the universe cools, quarks and other subatomic particles come together to form protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Formation of Atomic Nuclei (a few minutes after the Big Bang): The universe cools down enough for protons and neutrons to combine, forming the nuclei of the first elements—primarily hydrogen and helium.

Recombination (380,000 years after the Big Bang): Electrons and atomic nuclei combine to form neutral atoms, allowing light to travel freely through space. This event marks the birth of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which we can still observe today.

Formation of Galaxies and Stars (hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang): Gravity pulls together regions of slightly higher density, leading to the formation of galaxies. Within these galaxies, stars begin to form from the collapse of gas and dust clouds.

Birth of the Milky Way Galaxy (around 13.6 billion years ago): The Milky Way galaxy forms, and within it, our Solar System forms approximately 4.6 billion years ago.

Formation of Earth (4.5 billion years ago): The Earth forms from a cloud of gas and dust around the Sun, and over time, it cools and solidifies.

Emergence of Life on Earth (around 4 billion years ago): The first signs of life appear on Earth in the form of simple, single-celled organisms.

Evolution of Complex Life (over millions of years): Life on Earth evolves and diversifies, eventually leading to the emergence of complex organisms like plants, animals, and ultimately humans.

Human Civilization (around 10,000 years ago): The development of agriculture and the establishment of settled communities mark the beginning of human civilization.

Modern Era (18th century to the present): Rapid advancements in science, technology, and society lead to the Industrial Revolution, followed by major scientific discoveries, revolutions, and progress in various fields.

It's important to note that this is a simplified overview, and there are many more intricate details and events that have shaped the universe and our world since the Big Bang

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