Anger as an Ally to Love

1 year ago

Anger: a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, hostility, frustration, grief; a strong feeling that something unfair or unkind has happened

Beneath anger is the feeling of betrayal that is inspiring you to rebalance things. Be brave and look that anger right in the face and ask what it needs to express and what needs to shift.

It’s here to protect and guide you so listen.

I had so much to be angry about and it was in facing all of the why’s behind the anger that I was able to end generation patterns and create my stable, thriving life.

I’ve been in these valleys too and have gained the wisdom, love & strength to guide you on a solid path of growth & maturity.

Join me in Soul Much Love! Starts January 11 by application only, max 8 participants!

BONUS 1: Pre-recorded EFT session with Kelsey
BONUS 2: Art & Science of Face Reading (self study)

#SoulMuchLove #BodyLanguage #SacredBodyLanguage #Reprogramming #SubconsciousReprogramming #Metamorphosis #SoulWhisperer #FaceReading #BodyReading #EnergyReading #Ascension #Consciousness #Transformation #Metamorphosis #NewBeginning #Abundance #EnergyLeak #FeelItToHealIt #Appreciation #Incest #Narcissism #Narcissist #NarcissisticAbuse

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