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26Jun23 With Captions Putin Putsch; Climate Scandal in Australia; DHS "Digital ID wallet" and China's "SMART Religion" App

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
5G: An Attack on Life & Liberty
Reasons to be concerned about health effects — the knowns and unknowns. There is absolutely NO QUESTION about its danger to liberty (10:37) 

Postmodernism — the twin evils of transgenderism and transhumanism enslaving both mind and body (23:57)

Listeners disagree with my stance on climate change.  Is it real?  Is it man made?  Which side has the burden of proof?   And a meteorologist resigns over his audience's anger at his climate change propaganda (27:33)

Australian climate change scandal (48:38)

The Putin Putsch — was it a CIA coup attempt?  They briefed Congress and the White House that it was going to happen days before it did.  Was it a repeat of the Lockhart Plot or the Bay of Pigs?  Whatever it was, Lindsey Graham is playing a VERY dangerous nuclear game (52:07)

Tax-by-mile schemes multiply at the state and federal level (1:18:51)
Border Chaos Used for DHS "Digital ID" for Americans New pilot program to create a Digital ID permission slip for travel, employment, etc is created by DHS, the same agency that refuses to control the border, so they can control the American people. (1:24:57)
How China's "SMART Religion" App Will Be Used in USA Desc: China continues innovate tyranny (like the lockdowns and social credit "traffic light").  Here's the latest and how it'll be used in USA (1:31:03)
GOP is enacting or attempting to enact every manner of authoritarian control in response to the border crisis.  The ONLY thing they WON'T CONTROL is the BORDER!  (1:38:51)

Why GOP Abortion "Strategy" Will Lose
GOP candidates are pushing for re-federalization — ignoring 10th Amendment — which will fail to win votes, fail to protect lives, fail to obey Constitution.  Abortion is a losing issue for GOP because they WILL NOT DEFEND LIFE but seek to finesse the issue to keep it as a wedge issue (1:47:65)

As IRS & ATF join in SWATTING a gun store, Hunter goes free on both tax & gun charges.  Here's a look at the gun charges that would apply to the rest of us (2:29:04)
RFKj talks about guns again.  Here's the good and the bad.  And when he talks about Obamacare, he's right about Democrats selling out to BigPharma, but he still doesn't see the bigger problem with Obamacare (2:40:11)

NYC Pride Parade goes Full Sodom: "We're queer, we're here, we're coming for your children".  They claim it's a joke but it's too true to be funny and no one's laughing on either side (2:48:50)

Pedo crimes, murders, and cover-ups by mainstream media (2:52:29)
UK schools now encouraging and protecting kids to identify as "furries, dinosaurs, etc (2:55:26)

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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Minute 00:07. It takes time for people to start using Rumble. I was using bitchute but after I heard that Paris forbade rumble and after rumble gave the option to have a dark background, I switched to rumble.