June 26, 2023

11 months ago

Listening to the Hanuman Chalisa has several spiritual benefits:

Awakening devotion: The melodic and rhythmic recitation of the Chalisa stirs the depths of devotion within the listener. It inspires a profound love and reverence for Lord Hanuman, creating a sacred space within the heart where the divine presence can be experienced.

Cultivating inner strength: Lord Hanuman is known for his indomitable strength and courage. Listening to the Hanuman Chalisa helps individuals tap into their own reservoirs of strength and determination. It instills a sense of fearlessness and empowers one to overcome obstacles and challenges on their spiritual path.

Purifying the mind and heart: The Hanuman Chalisa carries within it a divine vibration that purifies the listener's mind and heart. It helps to cleanse negative thoughts, emotions, and tendencies, replacing them with positivity, clarity, and compassion.

Inspiring surrender and humility: Lord Hanuman epitomizes surrender and humility in his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama. By listening to the Hanuman Chalisa, one is inspired to surrender their ego and offer themselves in service to the divine. It teaches the importance of humility, reminding individuals that true strength lies in surrendering to a higher power.

Protection and blessings: Lord Hanuman is considered the epitome of protection and divine grace. Listening to the Hanuman Chalisa invokes his blessings and safeguards the listener from negative influences and energies. It creates a spiritual shield, fostering a sense of security and peace.

To fully embrace the spirituality of listening to the Hanuman Chalisa, it is important to approach it with reverence, attentiveness, and an open heart. By immersing oneself in the devotional verses, one can experience a deep connection with Lord Hanuman and unlock the transformative power of his divine presence.
Normally we have six greatest enemies inside us. In fact, we don’t have any enemy outside. Unless we consciously control them, they really degrade our living and do not support our spiritual evolution. They are Desire (काम), Anger (क्रोध), Greed(लोभ), Lust( मोह), Sense of I-ness(मद )and Partiality(मात्सर्य). These are great obstacles to the evolution of a human being. So our Sanatani scriptures have prescribed Sadhan Chatustay( विवेक, वैराग्य, षट् संपत्ति, मोक्ष ) to get free from these enemies. While all are equally important, the Six Treasures( षट् संपत्ति) help in a great way other Sadhana. They are 1. Shama( मन निग्रह ), 2. Dama( इन्द्रिय निग्रह ), 3. Titikshya( Forbearance) I.e to accept life as it is with balance of mind, 4. Shraddha( having faith in something you don’t know),5. Uparathi( having a sense of enthusiasm in whatever you do) and 6. Samadhana( Contentment). They are covered in Yama and Niyama of Ashtanga Yoga. So these are the basics of any Sadhana. Unless we bring our Indriyas under our control, the mind cannot be stable. For this one should have Vivek( sense of discrimination between the real and unreal) and Vairagya( discard what is unreal and embrace what is real). Then one can easily acquire this षट् संपत्ति. So whoever wants eternal peace of mind, has to pay the price of Vivek, Vairagya and Shatsampatti. There is no other way….

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