Across the Pond 06.26.23

1 year ago

In this episode of "Across the Pond," host Trent Loos and guest Andrew Henderson delve into the thorny world of carbon taxes, questioning the fairness of politicians exempting themselves from the fiscal burdens they lay upon their constituents. The duo sharply critiques these policies, asserting that they create undue hardships for everyday citizens while sparing the policy makers themselves.

Switching gears, they discuss Disney's recent financial struggles, providing analysis on how the company's political and social alignments might be affecting its bottom line. Is it the public's backlash against wokeness, or is there more at play?

A segment of the show is dedicated to a thought-provoking dialogue about the controversial accusations against Elton John regarding the alleged grooming of children. The hosts urge a thorough and fair investigation, expressing concern about the possible damaging effects on society if such behaviors go unchecked or unproven.

Lastly, they explore the recurring issue of lack of accountability for politicians. They lament the double standard that seems to protect politicians from the consequences of their actions and decisions. This episode of "Across the Pond" is a must-listen for those seeking to understand the conservative perspective on these pressing issues.


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