Don't Shrink Back! Ep. 4. Bri Dressen, Astra-Zeneca trial volunteer

1 year ago

Bri Dressen is a brave woman, who, wanting to do her part to end the Covid pandemic, signed up to participate in a trial of the Astra Zeneca “vaccine”.

The horror stories about that particular shot are legion, but at the time, trial participants weren’t made aware of what the manufacturers already KNEW.

That ONE shot was enough to change her life forever. She and some other vaccine injured people have formed a group called React19, to help other vaccine injure people by providing community, assistance, and emotional support.

She’s a hero in my book.

Podcast: Don't Shrink Back! 

“…But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed..." Hebrews 10:39

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