"Communion" & The Four Load-Bearing Walls

1 year ago

I've always had the conviction that "Communion" was the sermon itself and that adding a sermon after "Communion," was not a requirement to gird up this most powerful part of our Christian experience with Christ. That "Communion," is able to stand firmly on the Four Load-Bearing Walls of Worship. First Load-Bearing Wall: The Gathering; The Second Load-Bearing Wall; The Word, The Third Load-Bearing Walls; The table of the Lord, the Response to the Word; The Fourth Load-Bearing Wall: The Sending. With the assistance of our RCC Prayer Team: Debbie, Anna, Luke, Nancy and Holly, it was one of the most rewarding experiences. Each given a scripture from 1 Corinthians 11-23-27 to first provide a commentary and personal testimony on the passage they were assigned, then secondly, the team leading the congregation as they responded to the Word. None shared previous to the service what they were planning to share, not even me the pastor. Amazing! We concluded with prayer and the singing of , "Amazing Grace and He Touched Me."

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