JAMES KIRKPATRICK: If GOP Just Did What’s Needed To Win, We’d Be Better Off| VDARE 2023 Conference

1 year ago

I’m James Kirkpatrick, a long-time contributor to VDARE.com. And I’m the host of the VDARE Book Club.

You’ve all heard the saying, if youth only knew, if age only could. I think the problem with the American Right that those who know, can’t; and those who can, don’t know.

The history of the American Right is a history of missed opportunities—where it had massive public opinion on its side, institutional support, and lot of the problems we have now could have been snuffed out very quickly; but its leaders chose not to act.

Certainly for social conservatives in the room, you may remember that George W. Bush was reelected on the main campaign promise, which drove out white evangelicals to the polls, that he was going pass a Constitutional Amendment to ensure one-man-one-woman as the definition of marriage. And I remember a lot of my friends in Conservatism Inc. saying, well, we shouldn’t do that because it’ll never be necessary.

Well, here we are.



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