Moon manipulation..

1 year ago

Top of the morning to you people we just have another video depicting the moon and its Behavior and my theory on that I hope you have a beautiful morning have a great day I love you God bless you and don't forget to get some popcorn so that you can enjoy the military operation in case you haven't noticed our military is in 27 different states probably going to be in a few more before it's all said and done don't have any fear just obey the law and do what they tell you and I'm not saying be complacent so they can put you in a FEMA camp or anything like that your home is your Castle you stay in your home you should be all right they're not going to mess with you unless you're a criminal who is on their list so do everybody a favor including them stay out of their way let them do their operation and be as peaceful as you can if you're provoked by anybody try to turn around and walk away try to deescalate the situation don't do anything to escalate it be peaceful and Do no harm love everyone as your neighbor and we will get through this don't forget to speak out against tyranny and don't be afraid to speak truth I love you all and God bless you will talk to you soon..

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