Parkzone Ultra Micro F-27Q Stryker 180 Maiden Flight and Unboxing Review in HD

11 years ago

This video for the Parkzone Ultra Micro F-27Q Stryker 180 contains a Maiden Flight and an Unboxing Review of the plane.

I can't tell you how exciting it was to receive this plane today that I paid only $54.16 shipped! I don't know how Horizon Hobby can do this, but I am happy to buy more if this sort of thing happens again in the future.

This thing is fast and stable. The only downside is that to use it with my DX6i I had to open it up and do a little surgery on the Mini Stryker.

I didn't clock the speed on it today, but at half throttle this Parkzone UMX Stryker was far faster than any of my other micros at full throttle!

While you are still able to get it for this crazy low price, I suggest you pick up a Parkzone Stryker micro before they are all gone.

I just ordered another one at the rate of $65 due to the fact that I love this plane so much. It flies so well and is so fun that I would by four more if I could afford it.


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