Parkzone Ultra Micro T-28 Trojan RC Plane Fun with Take Offs and Landings

11 years ago

This is me having fun with my Parkzone Ultra Micro T-28 or Parkzone UM T-28 Trojan Warbird doing some tricks, stunts, and acrobatic sandwiched in-between scale take-offs and landings. There was also a near crash on one of the take-off's that made the blooper reel with this Parkzone T-28.

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This shows what it is like flying in Lynden, Washington with this Parkzone Trojan micro. I have been flying this T-28 RC plane for around a year and a half in this video. I actually learn to fly ailerons with my Parkzone P-51 Mustang after flying my Hobbyzone Champ for a couple of weeks. I realize now that I should have used this plane to learn on first and not the route I took with the P-51 BNF.

This plane is made by Horizon Hobby, which makes the E-Flight, Parkzone, and Hobbyzone lines of planes like this. While they are kind of expensive, they normally do a great job on these planes and they fly well just like this Parkzone Trojan. Some of those planes are the P-40, P-47, and F4U Corsair.

It is modeled after the North American T-28 Trojan warbird and brings to life isn't great handling abilities as a trainer for more advanced flight.

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