The BIGGEST LIE we are told. #shorts #short #motivational

1 year ago

The quote you provided emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility for one's own happiness and challenges the notion that another person is solely responsible for our happiness. While it is true that happiness is something we create within ourselves, it also acknowledges the role that others can play in our lives.

The quote suggests that being with someone who adds to our happiness means choosing to surround ourselves with individuals who contribute positively to our well-being and overall happiness. This can include people who support and uplift us, share similar values, and enhance our life experiences.

When we choose to be in relationships with those who add to our happiness, it means being with people who:

Support and encourage us: They believe in our abilities, dreams, and aspirations and provide emotional support during both good and challenging times.

Bring positivity and joy: They have a positive outlook on life, share moments of laughter and joy, and help create a positive environment in our lives.

Share common interests and values: They align with our core values, allowing for deeper connections and shared experiences that contribute to our overall sense of fulfillment.

Foster personal growth: They inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves, encourage personal development, and help us achieve our goals.

Respect and communicate effectively: They treat us with respect, kindness, and understanding, and communicate openly and honestly, fostering trust and a healthy relationship dynamic.

While it is important to cultivate happiness within ourselves, being with someone who adds to it can amplify our overall well-being and create a nurturing and fulfilling relationship. Ultimately, it is a combination of personal happiness and positive connections with others that can contribute to a more meaningful and joyful life.


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