Alan Watt "Cutting Through the Matrix" #114 "Military-Industrial Complex's GMO Arsenal" 6-18-2023

11 months ago

"Mystery" Problems with Websites, Real World Harassment - China (Model State for World), Factories Moved to - Depopulation Mandate, Fronts for Foundations, Eugenics, Creation of Superman. Pulled Articles - Media Does Reasoning for Public - Allergies, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancers, GMO Foods - Monsanto, Secret Deal with Canada to Test on Humans. Genetically Modified Organisms, Infertility, Immunity Drop, Accelerated Aging Diseases - Modified Corn, Sterile Pigs, Low Litter Weight - Genetic Alteration - Non-GMO Politicians' Cafeteria. Creation of Public Apathy, Dethroning Man as Sacred Being - CIA's "Cultural Cold War" - H.G. Wells, Free Love - Destruction of Family and Old Values - Bertrand Russell. Nihilism, Dehumanization as "Art", Schizoid View of Humanity - Promoted Artists, Human Skin "Art" - Bodies Donated to Medical Science, Desecration, Grave Robbers. "Blast From the Past" movie, Degradation of Culture - Censorship Committees - Perverts, European Parliament Members, Paedophilia - Green Party. Active Chip ID Card - Cashless Stores. Those Who Control Food and Water Supply Control the Planet.

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt

Three Members of the Council on Foreign Relations - by Not Sure

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Military-Industrial Complex's GMO Arsenal" - May 26, 2009

US Doctors’ association calls for Moratorium on GMO Foods

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