Remedy for "CHILD TRAFFICKING" via common law

1 year ago

Please listen carefully as these brave women discuss a sensitive topic that affects us all. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see other seasoned vets out here slugging it out in the public arena fighting the good fight. A warm thanks to Katherine, Luciana, Barbara and Kathleen for standing and sharing your truth and for speaking out against these long train of abuses!
Remember, as MLK once stated: "The only way evil exists is that good men or women do not stand to end it!" Well, I for one am standing and am happy to see I'm not alone out here! Let's make these ideas spread like wild fire!

Time for the American People to restore real law~common law.

Form Our Grand Jural Assemblies for Our states, and see to it that Our Militia carry out Our Judgments, which We know will be just!

[See: Downs v. Bidwell]

Time for the good wo/men to reclaim Our freedoms & Our Republic!

That no blacked robed Baal Priest ever cast his/her SPELL upon the American People ever again!

We cast you out demons be gone !
We rebuke your wicked and presumptions ways!

Get out of Our Courthouses you black robed Baal Bitches!

Time for We the People to hold common law grand juries in the court-square via Our Sunshine laws and live - stream all of the People signing and Declaring and Decreeing their Judgment for American Militia to Remove/[Evict] these BAR Associates, from We the People's Courthouses Forthwith; that is, if the County Sheriff is too corrupt to uphold the People's will!

No People ever gave these BAR bitches the Right to rent out Our Courthouses, force their Association against the American People, by way of Admiralty Law, EVER! Nor did We ever consent to their Administrative Procedures Act! We are a common law Nation, grow a pair!

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