Look Up! (11) : Israel and the Second Coming

1 year ago

Jesus told us specific signs to look for before His return and they will occur exactly how and when He said. The final event which is actually the final sign of His Second Coming is the repentance of Israel and their reception of Jesus as Messiah - whom as a nation they have rejected for nearly 2000 years. Israel is called Jacob when they are in Unbelief. But by the end of the Tribulation they will repent and believe, and at the very moment they are about to be completely destroyed by the armies of the nations gathered for Armageddon – Jesus comes as King. Which will usher in the Millennium reign of Christ, His Bride and His Tribulation Saints. Hallelujah!

Pastor Nicholas

Word Resources –

Ministry home site : https://www.muchgrace.church/
Prophet's book : https://www.tribulation-saints.com/
Pastor's book : https://simplicityofchrist314608717.wordpress.com/

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